13U Nighthawks FAQs


Coached by Laura Corder, Brad Emmel and April Kepner, our desire for the 2024-2025 season is to create a local option for girls to have the opportunity to play competitive travel softball and develop a core group of teammates that can play together for years to come. We approach softball with a competitive spirit but also balance it with a focus on developing players’ technical skills, sportsmanship, and expanding their understanding of the game. Below you will find information that will outline what we expect of our players and parents and also some FAQs to help you decide if our program is a good fit for your family. If you have additional questions not covered here, please contact us at tn.nighthawks2012@gmail.com.

How many players will you keep on the roster?

We may carry up to 11 dedicated players on our roster. We believe that carrying a maximum of 11 will ensure everyone on the team will get adequate playing time and coach instruction.  In the event that we have players missing for a tournament/game, we may pick up players to fill in gaps and give breaks, but we will try to never have more than 12 with us at a tournament. 

How is playing time determined?

Players are never guaranteed a position, but each player will have plenty of opportunities to earn playing time during both practices and pool play games. We look for a team first attitude, consistent energy and effort along with the best performers at each position. Again, we will utilize players where it makes the most sense for our team.

How many tournaments will you play in the Fall?

We hope to play in one tournament per month August - November

How many tournaments will you play in the Winter?

We do not plan on playing any tournaments in January or February

How many tournaments will you play in the Spring?

We plan to play in 1-2 tournaments per month March – April and 2-3 tournaments per month May - July.

How far do you travel for tournaments?

We will play the vast majority of our tournaments in Middle TN, but will be open to travel for at least one overnight tournament this year. Specifics are TBD. 

How often do you plan to practice?

Our tentative plan for practice is:

August & November - two practices per week - one shorter (1.5 hour) practice on a weeknight and one longer practice (2 hours) on the weekend.

December - February - two to three indoor team practices per month. If the weather is nice, we will get outside.

Spring 2023 – 2.5 hour practices will likely take place on Sunday afternoons.

Summer 2023 - two practices per week. One on the weekend and one on a weeknight. Weeknight practice may be replaced by scrimmage or weeknight games.

**All team members at this level are expected to also be in individual lessons and working on their own outside of team practices year-round. This is especially true for pitchers and catchers. 

Where will you practice?

We will practice at Crockett Park

What is the estimated cost for the season?

We estimate the cost to be $1,000 due in August to purchase equipment, practice jerseys, practice fields, indoor facilities for winter practices, and tournaments through January 2024. An additional payment of $600 in February of 2025 to pay for practice fields and tournaments through July of 2025. 

These costs could vary slightly depending on actual tournament fees and equipment costs and do NOT include items such as uniforms, pants, socks, belts, bags, helmets, etc. 

My daughter plays multiple sports, can she still play on the 13U TN Nighthawks team?

Yes! We believe that athletes should be well-rounded and participate in multiple sports as they develop. 

That said, we do expect that if there is a conflict, our games would win out over other sport practices and if there are repeated missed practices/games, playing time could be impacted.